Submit Fan Fiction

   The Gaming Intelligence Agency is always looking for new pieces of fan fiction to post. If you'd like to send in one of your works, please review the following guidelines:
  • It must pertain to a game within the GIA's focus; for the most part, this includes console RPG and adventure games.
  • I accept plain-text (.txt), HTML, and Rich Text(.rtf) format. Please do not send fics without file extensions, and please do NOT include your fics in the body of your email. Submit anything you like, but please try to keep it original.
  • I'd like to see glimpses into the life of a character that doesn't get much attention, or a new and different interpretation of one of the main heroes.
  • No X-rated stories, please. I'll delete anything at the first hint of hentai fics, so don't even bother sending them in. Also try to curb excessive swearing and unnecessary violence.
  • Your story will not be posted anonymously. We at the GIA make a policy of including email addresses with the fics, so don't submit anything you're not prepared to receive comments on from readers.
  • If you like, I'll post a link to your homepage in the story. Simply send the URL of the site along with the other necessary information. This is optional information, so if you don't have a page or just don't want to share it, that won't affect whether or not your story gets posted.

Send all submissions to Tamzen Marie Baker,

Traditional fan fiction

   Feel free to send in long fics, but be prepared that they may not posted immediately. The fanfic must also be complete. I will not post anything but the final version of your story, so if it's being serialized on your own Ibsite or someone else's, make sure it's finished before submitting it to the GIA. Do not send URLs of a story in 30 chapters, because it takes forever to download and transfer each page to GIA's format. Try to send one file for the entire story.

   Q. My story met all of the above criteria, and it still didn't get posted!
   A. Well, I don't post every story I receive. Some stories just had no plot, or had spelling and syntax errors, or any number of possible problems. However, I will always get back to you with a reason why I didn't post your story. Sometimes the world has seen enough game show spoofs.

   Q. It's not fair! You just don't like me!
   A. No. I try to print everything I get, as long as there are no grammatical/spelling errors, and the story is an original idea. If there is ever a question about a story, I ask other staffers to read it. If I don't post, I will always reply and tell you why. Please do not submit unrevised fanfics twice.

   Q. Why don't you ever reply to my emails?
   A. I will reply if there is a problem with a fic, or if someone has a question. HoIver, I don't see the point in taking to notify every single person when their fic is posted. That's valuable time I could be working on another update for all of you, and if you read the page even once a week, you won't miss any updates. And there's always the archives.

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