Fire Beast
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Petra Rödig Oil pastels on paper Undisclosed
Artist's Commentary

It's not so easy to make a good picture of Volvagia, the boss of the fire temple in Zelda 64. It's not easy, because this thing has its own, special movement and if you can't catch this in the picture it's not as good as it can be. I solved this problem by recording the fight against Volvagia on a videotape and watching the scenes again and again. While doing that I made some sketches of the different moves. For the final picture I chose the scene where the dragon comes out from one of the holes on the ground before he attacks you.
But then I had problem number two: for Volvagia you need strong colors, so my pastel chalks weren't the right thing (the colors are too soft). The picture of Caith Sith done by pulpy was my rescue (thanks a lot!!!), because it reminded me that I also have got such oil pastels somewhere. So I used these to color the picture. Hope you like it as much as I do...

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