Sketch Artist

   Four outstanding artists make their GIA debut in today's edition of Sketch Artist.

   Lady Merit's "Aerith" is high quality, cutesy anime style at its best. Utilizing a unique twist rarely seen in that particular artistic genre, she shades the picture well with an effective hatching (series of perpendicular lines) technique. I find hatching to be the most aesthetically pleasing shading technique when employed correctly; the implementation of good hatching in what was already a very nice portrait makes for something special.

   Ryuuzaki's "Angel Aerith" is easily one of the most detailed piece of fan artwork I've come across. Aerith's hair and wings are particularly well done and realistic, and close inspection of the piece reveals a wealth of complex jewelry adorning her flowing gown. One can envision the small currents of wind that swirl about Aerith by observing the fluid motion of her clothing.

   "Munba Unleashed," by Tom A. Szakolczay, takes the basic character design of the quirky-looking Munba and gives it attitude. Tom makes Munba look downright vicious and nasty, from his wild fur to his tight scowl to his gleaming claws. For the sake of comparison, take a look at Square's Munba artwork. Pretty unimpressive after seeing Tom's design, eh?

   The final new artist is John Allegrezza, who offers an artistic stream of conciousness with "Possessed." The piece captures the confusion and chaos of the depicted mind control scene from Metal Gear Solid in an abstract manner, quite fitting for the psychic / mental dimension involved. Emotion runs high, Meryl's mental state reflecting her confusion and terror while her physical self manifests a cool, murderous stare.

   Not to be forgotten are two returning artists, pulpy and Amber Michelle. pulpy sends in another odd one with "SouthRock Shimmey"; is it just weird, or is there some method to his madness? You decide. One thing is for sure: when pulpy puts the pen to paper, the end result is a product with a unique, intriguing style undeniably his and his alone. Amber's "Miranda" focuses on a lesser known from Final Fantasy Tactics who nontheless made enough of an impression to merit a portrait. Amber achieves a very soft, cloth-like color quality with her colored pencils.

SouthRock Shimmey
Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VII

Angel Aerith
Final Fantasy VII

Munba Unleashed
Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy Tactics

Metal Gear Solid
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