Despite all the innovation and experimentation
in RPGs over the last several years, the genre remains mired in the
clichés of the past. This isn't always a bad thing -- many great games
have proven that you don't need to break with conventions to craft
an excellent title, but it is surprising that so few games try to
outright parody them. Sony's Okage: Shadow King attempts to do just
that -- but only half-succeeds. While the game's premise and art style
present an amusing, and often very funny take on the clichés of the
genre, Okage's by-the-book gameplay keeps it from living up to its
The Evil King and his Evil Butler. |
Okage's main character Ari is almost the exact
opposite of the standard RPG youth; he's nearly a wallflower. Neither
spunky nor in search of adventure, he lives a quiet life in the town
of Tenel, where he's continually bossed around by his parents, his
popular sister, and even the local shopkeepers. All that changes one
day when a wild ghost attacks his sister, an event that leaves the
girl only able to speak in pig latin. Rather than let the poor girl
be consigned to a future as Comic Relief (her mother always hoped
she'd become a precocious Princess), the father summons what he believes
is a powerful spirit trapped in mysterious jar. What he gets instead
is a weak, petty, and quarrelsome Evil King by the name of Stanley
High-Hat Trinidad the 14th, or Stan for short.
In order to manifest himself back into the world,
however, Stan needs a host, and Ari is reluctantly pushed into offering
his shadow as a home for the demon. Stan drafts the unwilling Ari
into his plans for world domination, and the two set off to reclaim
Stan's rightful place as the one true Evil King. The story that follows
plays out like satirical inversion of the usual RPG quest. Stan drives
Ari from town to town, defeating the fake Evil Kings, not to save
the world, but to conquer it by reclaiming his lost powers. Though
Ari is ostensibly the lead, Stan takes center stage, and his wild
mood swings and often bizarre plans for world domination keep the
plot moving at a steady pace.
I don't know much about proper English, but
I know what I like. |
Okage is also blessed with one of the freshest
cast of supporting characters seen in quite a while. Though most of
them are drawn from the familiar pool of RPG types (the Hero, the
Strongman, the Spoiled Princess), the game presents each of them a
comedic twist. The interplay between the characters, whose goals are
often at odds, is consistently amusing and the clever dialog is helped
along by the game's hard-to-categorize translation. Simply put, Okage
has one of the best bad translations ever. It's impossible to label
it "good" - the text is still riddled with the misspellings and stilted
dialog we've come to expect from SCEA -- but at the same time, the
quality of the original script shines through, and the Okage manages
to be very, very funny.
Part of the humor comes from the creative situations
the game presents, but a larger part of it is that Okage's designers
seem very aware of the ridiculousness of most RPG storylines. The
game doesn't quite push its parody as far as it could; the story eventually
evolves into a quest to save the world, but it's done in such a fresh
and interesting way, and in keeping with the game's overall feel,
that most players will hardly notice the shift until it's almost over.
Regardless, any game that takes the time to make
fun of crate puzzles
is obviously on the right track.
Kooky. Oooky. |
The unique story is complimented by the game's
strikingly different art style. Okage's world is drawn with a cartoonish,
gothic flair, similar to The Nightmare Before Christmas or the work
of Edward Gorey. The frazzled, sketchy design of Okage's characters
complements the game's quirky storyline, and the whole world, right
down to the unusual monster designs, almost has the look of an overturned
toy box. While the graphics used in the towns and field maps of game
certainly can't compare technically with the PS2's more impressive
offerings, they are rendered with careful, almost hand drawn quality
and a great deal of minute detail. At the very least, Okage is proof
that you needn't resort to cel-shading to give your game a unique
Unfortunately, the game's creativity starts to
falter once you get down to the actual gameplay. Okage's battle system
is a predictable mix of elements from past RPGs: the active time battles
of Final Fantasy (though the game does pause for your input), the
shared magic pool from Skies of Arcadia, and a simple system of elemental
affinities from, well, every RPG ever. There are a few interesting
twists, however. The most powerful spells actually consume hit points,
meaning you can't simply fire off the big guns and recharge later,
and each character can be set to Wait mode during their turn, which
allows you to active them at any time later or combine their attacks
with the other two party members. The battles are challenging and
competently executed, but they never really move beyond being mere
stumbling blocks to the next amusing story sequence.
My sentiments exactly. |
While the battle system is adequate, if predictable,
the game takes a major nosedive once you venture into its handful
of dungeons. These all employ the same drab, brick face textures,
and all revolve around the exact same mechanic -- find switches to
activate doors and bridges to find your way to more switches to repeat
all over again. Meanwhile, each floor of a dungeon is home to a number
or "Urns," all of which must be defeated to open the passage to next
level. The dungeons quickly devolve into endless backtracking through
the dull, maze-like environments to find that last switch or Urn.
Considering how smart the rest of the game is, one is almost tempted
to view Okage's endless procession of dull mazes as a sort of extended
satire of just how uncreative an RPG can be. Unfortunately, the joke's
on the gamer this time, and Okage is one of the few games in recent
memory that actually would have been improved by relying on randomly
created dungeons. The designers seemed to have recognized this, however,
and dungeon crawling takes up a minimum of time in the overall game
- though it still manages to be tedious every time.
With all its good points, it's unfortunate that
the jaded RPG audience most likely to find Okage's story and setting
a charming change of pace will also as be the most infuriated by the
game's flaws. If Zener Works had applied the same creativity that
was put into the plot and art to the gameplay itself, Okage could
have been something truly special. The game's strange mix of inspiration
and mediocrity still averages out to a worthwhile game, but it could
have been much, much more.
Review by Zak McClendon, GIA.
Shadow King |
Developer |
Works |
Publisher |
Genre |
Medium |
(1) |
Platform |
Sony PlayStation 2 |
Release Date |
15, 2001 |
2, 2001 |
News |
E3: Okage: Shadow King impressions |
Media |
178 English screenshots |
Artwork |
11 character designs |
Other |
Japanese box art |