Final Fantasy VII debug code

[08.06.99] » Intrepid GameShark hackers discover a code to access a series of debug rooms in Final Fantasy VII. Screens included.

   Almost two years after the US release of Final Fantasy VII, two GameShark hackers known as RPGod and CzarDragon have discovered a code which allows players to access a previously hidden -- and quite bizarre -- debug room in Final Fantasy VII. From the initial room, one can enter various areas which were presumably originally designed to allow programmers to easily test and debug the game. (Screens below.) The GameShark code necessary for the debug mode is:

    8009A05C 0041

   Using the code, players can access virtually any point in the game, adjust party members, gain a complete set of materia, watch a large number of CG movies, battle against inactive "pyramid" monsters, or even view the current number of "love points" needed to score with Tifa, Aeris, Yuffie, or Barret during Cloud's racy date at the Gold Saucer.

   To enter the debug room, simply enter the above code into a GameShark and select "New Game" when the first FF VII disc loads up. From there, deactivate the GameShark and enter one of ten rooms by stepping onto one of the encircling Japanese Kanji characters or by walking onto the white line at the top or bottom of the screen. A man also stands in the lower-left corner of the first screen to turn on and off a number of "flags" used in the game, among other selections. The debug room can also be accessed at any point in the game by turning on a GameShark with the inputted codes and then entering a room.

   For those without GameSharks, we've captured 12 screens to illustrate the debug area. Please note, however, that we are unable to assist with any problems you may have using this code.

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