New Dragon Quest VII revelations

[08.04.99] » Enix's RPG acquires a new subtitle and camera system.

   With the recent announcement of a publishing agreement between Eidos and Enix, a U.S. release for the long-awaited seventh chapter of the Dragon Quest / Warrior saga is looking more likely. In the mean time, more details on the game are beginning to trickle out of Japan: For one, the game's official title will be "Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshitachi," or "Dragon Quest VII: Soldiers of Eden."

   Also revealed is some additional information concerning the camera system. While exploring locations, you'll view the world through the standard isometric overhead camera. As expected, the camera can be rotated, though can only be set to certain pre-defined angles-- Xenogears uses a similar system.

   During battle, you'll view the action from the standard Dragon Quest perspective -- a head-on view of the enemies, with your party members remaining invisible. As in the other recent Dragon Quest, the enemy sprites will feature full animation, instead of remaining static figures. Another completely new feature has been added as well: enemy formations. Just like the heroes' party, the enemies arrange themselves in rows, with weaker, magic-using monsters hiding behind the strong fighters.

[source] » GodMars Sky, Kamui Ten no Ryu Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Dragon Quest VII
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