FF VIII Guardian Force figure update
[08.02.99] » Bahamut, GILGAMESH, and others join
the ranks.
Four Guardian Force figures -- Cerberus, Ifrit, Odin, and Siren -- are already scheduled to arrive in North America later this year, courtesy of Palisades. Those four aren't the only summoned monsters to appear in plastic
form, however. Another set of four figures is also available in Asia, and
should find its way to the U.S. as well.
The four new Guardian Force figures include Final Fantasy
mainstays Bahamut and Shiva, as well as newcomer Diablos and none other than
GILGAMESH himself. Some minor allies are also included with the other
figures -- Siren includes a Cactrot (aka Sabotender), Cerberus comes packed with
Rinoa's dog Angelo, and Ifrit includes the infamous Master Tonberry. All the
two-legged figures include a circular black stand as well.
All the figures also include another, more unusual pack-in --
a unique piece of the Ragnarok, FF VIII's futuristic airship. Purchasing all eight
figures and acquiring all eight parts enables consumers to put together the complete
vehicle. Gotta catch 'em all!
Thanks to Keith Chan for the news.