Pokémon Silver and Gold delayed

[06.16.99] » Eagerly awaited Pokémon "sequels" won't arrive in Japan until September.

   While the first wave of Pokémania continues to sweep the world, Nintendo is hard at work on the second. Development on the Gold and Silver editions of Pokeémon -- sequels in all but the name -- isn't progressing quite as fast as hoped, however. Nintendo recently delayed the pair of Game Boy Color games until early September; debugging and work on the link mode kept the titles from meeting their original summer release date. A U.S. release is still planned for this year, though additional delays may push it back into 2000.

   However, Pokémon fans can at least look forward to more Silver and Gold news later this summer. The two games will be appearing at Nintendo's Space World show, on August 27th and 28th. Look for the first real information on the titles' gameplay then.

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Pokémon Gold and Silver
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