Shen Mue delayed

[06.03.99] » Both chapters' release dates slide in Japan, but Sega aims to keep consumers' interest with promotional campaigns.

   The children of the 21st century are finding themselves again giftless. Sega recently confirmed that both chapters of Shen Mue would be hitting stores a little later than expected. Chapter 1: Yokosuka, originally scheduled for August 5th, will now be arriving on October 28th, with Chapter 2: Mainland China not due out until next summer.

   To keep Japanese consumers interested in Yu Suzuki's epic, Sega is planning several promotions. Video tapes and even demos of the game will be given out to those buying Dreamcast systems or games. Beginning September 9th, Sega will also begin accepting reservations for Chapter 1; early adopters will receive various Shen Mue memorabilia for planning ahead.

[source] » Sega X, Magic Box Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Shen Mue
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