Yoshitaka Amano designing secret Dreamcast title

[05.25.99] » Prolific designer of Final Fantasy, Kartia returns to gaming.

   In a recent interview with animejump, a comment from Yoshitaka Amano revealed that his game designing days are far from over:

animejump: What about your work in games? Do characters get described to you before you design them? What other games have you worked on besides Final Fantasy?

Amano: Tough question. I've done such a variety of characters... well, I'm now working on a project for the new Dreamcast console which is a secret. I've also done design for Front Mission, Kartia... I'm very active.

   While Amano has done non-RPG projects in the past (Square's Gun Hazard), the vast majority of his projects have been RPG-related - so an Amano-designed Dreamcast RPG is likely in the works. Rejoice!

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