E3: No Slayers II for E3
[05.13.99] » Working Designs quells rumors that it would show a Slayers game.
Although Working Designs stated in the
past that it would not be translating any Slayers games, confusion
arose anew when IGNPSX reported that "Slayers II" would be among
the popular publisher's games. A
newsgroup post by Working Designs head
Victor Ireland cleared up any confusion: No Slayers game was
being translated, and none would be in the future.
"I have NO idea why they still keep saying we're
doing a Slayers game," the post stated. "They've done it before, and
they're doing it again. They're wrong."
However, the statement made no mention
of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, also reported to be at the Working
Designs booth. The GIA will bring you word on that title's
status later on during the show.
Thanks to Michael Kelehan for the
news tip.