Shadow Madness pushed back

[04.29.99] » Crave's first RPG is pushed back until the end of May.

   Crave Entertainment's first RPG, Shadow Madness, has now officially been pushed back from May 1 to May 25, 1999. The company says the delays are primarily due to the sheer quantity of content within the game. "The delays in shipping Shadow Madness are indicative of testing a game of this scope and magnitude," explained Ted Woolsey, Shadow Madness' lead producer. "Especially when this is your first internally developed title, you want everything to be perfect. Sony has been extremely helpful from a testing perspective by providing the development team with constructive suggestions about polishing gameplay."

   Thankfully, Crave doesn't seem to expect any further delays for Shadow Madness. "Maybe this game is shipping at the perfect time. There is so much to explore and experience in Shadow Madness, RPG fans are going to need the long Memorial Day weekend."

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