Shen Mue Chapter 2 set for December

[04.28.99] » Japanese gamers can expect the second installment of Yu Suzuku's epic at the end of 1999.

   The second half of the Shen Mue saga, Chapter 2: Mainland China, will reach Japan on December 9, 1999, completing the story before the year's end. Chapter 2 is, quite obviously, the successor to Chapter 1: Yokosuka, already announced for release on August 5th. Additionally, North American gamers will find a subtitled edition of Chapter 1 waiting for them in October. When and if Chapter 2 will cross the Pacific is yet to be determined.

   Shen Mue mastermind Yu Suzuki actually envisions a total of 16 separate chapters for the story. If the first two chapters can help bolster the somewhat disappointing sales of the system, 2000 may be filled with many more.

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