Story of Thor to be remade for Dreamcast

[03.30.99] » A classic Genesis action RPG returns in top form on the Sega Dreamcast.

   According to GameFan, a recent Japanese interview with an Ancient representative revealed that a remake of Story of Thor could find its way to the Sega Dreamcast. The company originally intended to simply port the title with cosmetic changes, but has since decided to start from scratch. Interestingly, as in the original Story of Thor, hand drawn characters will be used instead of utilizing the polygonal prowess of the Dreamcast.

   Story of Thor is better known to US gamers as Beyond Oasis, the Arabian-themed 1995 Genesis action RPG. It was released in the US by Sega, who saw fit to also bring over the sequel, the inventively named Story of Thor 2. Redubbed Legend of Oasis, the early Saturn release won no small amount of praise, despite its short length. Both games were developed by Ancient, a small company founded by Yuzo Koshiro, the famed game music composer best known for the scores to Streets of Rage and Actraiser.

   Neither a Japanese nor an American release has been officially announced as of yet.

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