UmJammer Lammy & Chocobo Racing GameShark codes

[03.22.99] » Codes designed to bypass Sony's anti-import protection scheme for UmJammer Lammy and Chocobo Racing have become available.

   Final Fantasy VIII isn't the only big-name title to carry Sony's new protection scheme designed to prevent games from functioning on modded systems. Sony's UmJammer Lammy and Square's Chocobo Racing, both released last week, utilize the lockout. With the use of a GameShark, however, the lockout may be bypassed. For UmJammer Lammy, the code necessary is:

    D01DA762 1040
    801DA762 1000

   Additionally, if a GameShark prior to version 2.3 is used, another code must also be inputted to prevent lockups during actual gameplay. The code is identical to the master code used in the original PaRappa:

    90000000 0000

   Square's latest title, Chocobo Racing, requires the following codes to boot successfully:

    D00AB72A 1040
    800AB72A 1000

   The GIA has been able to confirm that the codes for UmJammer Lammy function beautifully. Thanks to Tim Walker.

[source] » Bung Japan Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
UmJammer Lammy
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