Square Star Wars RPG?

[03.18.99] » Rumors point towards a possible Phantom Menace RPG by Square.

   FGN Online has reported that a Star Wars RPG for PlayStation 2 is in the works at Square, and was revealed behind closed doors at a toy fair in Tokyo. The announcement came as part of a showing of new merchandise based on the upcoming Star Wars: Episode I.

   While such a game may seem almost too good to be true, keep in mind that Square has placed numerous references to the Star Wars series in its past games. Given the chance to make an actual Star Wars RPG, it's more than likely that Square would undertake the project. Unfortunately, the PlayStation 2 is still a long way off, and we won't be seeing the fruits of their labor until late next year at the earliest, and possibly not until 2001.

[source] » FGN Online Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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