Arc the Lad III?

[03.13.99] » A third installment of Sony's strategy-RPG series may appear at the Tokyo Game Show.

   After the flurry of strategy-RPGs last year, the genre has reached a bit of a drought, but that may change soon. GameFan has reported that Arc the Lad III is in the works at G-Craft, and will probably be officially announced next week at the Tokyo Game Show, from March 19th to 21st.

   While the announcement of a third Arc the Lad game may seem a bit odd coming several years after the second, keep in mind that an Arc the Lad anime series will begin on Japanese TV on April 5th. It's not hard to imagine that Sony plans to launch the anime and a new game in the series together. The official word, though, will have to wait until TGS. Stay tuned.

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