Pokémon Stadium 2 info

[03.13.99] » All 151 Pokémon appear in the second Pokémon Stadium game.

   The first Pokémon Stadium allowed Japanese N64 owners to connect their Game Boys to the N64 via the 64GB Pak and pit their Pokémon against a friend's in 3D battles. Unfortunately, only a third of the Game Boy game's 151 Pokémon could be used in Pokémon Stadium, limiting the game's depth. The missing monsters are now finally making their appearance, as Nintendo announced that the complete roster of Pokémon will appear in the sequel.

   In addition to the expanded cast of characters, Pokémon Stadium 2 features several new game modes. The most intriguing is definitely the tag team mode, where two players can combine part of their Pokémon squads (for a total of 6 members) to battle another tag team of two players. This is the first time Pokémon has been playable with more than two players at a time.

   Nintendo has announced it will be releasing some Pokémon Stadium title in North America. Given that Pokémon Stadium 2 is not that far off, we're betting that it will be the one.

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Pokémon Stadium 2
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