EB World offers leftover gold Zeldas

[01.26.99] » Didn't reserve Zelda 64 in time for a gold cartridge? You now have a second chance.

 Gold Z64
Gold as far as the eye can see

   For $99.99 U.S. (plus shipping and handling, of course), Zelda fans who missed pre-ordering Zelda 64 in time to nab the limited-edition gold cartridge can pick up a copy at Electronics Boutique' EB World website. Also included is a golden Interact Superpad controller and Prima's official Zelda 64 strategy guide.

   We checked with a local Electronics Boutique outlet which confirmed that the offer is only available through the website at the moment, also adding that the offer almost certainly stems from leftover gold copies. The direct link to EB World's gold Zelda 64 offer is available here.

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