More on Kamurai

[12.10.99] » It make look like Grandia, but it plays like Star Ocean 2!

   Namco has released new information on the "Systems" of its recently-announced RPG, and they should be exciting news for Star Ocean fans. Whenever you visit a town, your characters all split up to explore the town separately, like in SO2's Private Actions. This gives you the chance to chat with other party members to pick up clues and carry on conversations. Since you can't control any characters beside the main character in battle, building strong relationships with your comrades is important -- better relations mean the characters are more likely to obey your orders.

   In addition to this Mind And Will System, Kamurai features the Cutting Back Script System. Somewhat like Final Fantasy VIII or Shadow Madness, you'll switch back and forth between the two main characters -- Kagato, a human, and Fushi, a god. Both are on a quest for knowledge and hail from the same kingdom, but they'll need to visit five other kingdoms in addition to their homeland. Each one of the kingdoms (Fire, Dark, Earth, Life, Light, and Sky) is protected by a god who guards the land against demons.

   According to Namco, Kamurai is currently 20% complete and should be ready by the end of the first quarter of 2000.

[source] » Magic Box, Gamers' Republic Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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