Yet another Shen Mue minigame

[11.21.99] » Suzuki's gift extended to the felines of the 21st century.

   Shen Mue has already managed to pack in its share of minigames. The forklift races, the egg catching, the arcade games, this game had almost everything. Now, however, that qualifying "almost" can be dropped with the news that Yu Suzuki will include a virtual pet minigame. At one point in the game, Ryo will discover an ailing kitten in the street. You can opt to pick it up and take it home, but be warned that doing so will require you to feed and care for the kitten every day.

   In other news, Ryo can improve his fighting abilities as the story moves along by training under different teachers. The more you practice a certain move, the more powerful it will become. No word yet on whether you can learn a "negative reinforcement" move on the cat when it misbehaves.

[source] » Magic Box Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Shen Mue
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