No Biohazard 2 Plus for the U.S.?

[10.29.99] » The Dreamcast version of Resident Evil 2 probably won't see a North American release.

   Although the Nintendo 64 port of Resident Evil 2 is due out in just a few weeks, it's likely that the Dreamcast edition, known as Biohazard 2 Plus in Japan, will never see a U.S. release. According to the company, by the time the Dreamcast edition could be translated and localized, Resident Evil: Code Veronica -- the Dreamcast's first original RE title -- will be on its way, making RE2 Plus obsolete.

   "We're still evaluating it, but considering the fact that [...] we wouldn't be able to complete the localization until right about the time CODE Veronica is supposed to arrive, it doesn't look likely," Capcom explaned to IGNDC.

[source] » IGNDC Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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