More Chu-Chu Rockets gameplay details

[10.12.99] » Random events promise to keep Sonic Team's puzzle title interesting.

   Wondering about the purpose of the cats spotted in screens of Sega's Chu-Chu Rockets? It's more significant than it seemed at first. The cats appear in both the single player puzzle mode and the multi-player battle mode; they run around the board just as the mice do, except that they eat any mice they catch. Interestingly, the cats can be diverted by using the same arrow tiles that used to guide the mice towards the rocket -- but if any of the cats get inside the rocket, they'll snap up a third of the mice inside!

   Another critter to watch out for is the mouse branded with a question mark. While this mouse still counts as an ordinary mouse, it activates a roulette wheel as soon as it gets inside your rocket. This roulette wheel then randomly stops on and activates a certain special effect, such as an increase in game speed or an extension of the level timer.

   Due out November 11th in Japan, Chu-Chu Rockets will also support nearly all of the Dreamcast's peripherals, including the VMU, VGA Cord, modem, and even the keyboard. More information on Chu-Chu Rockets and its gameplay concepts can be found in the GIA's recent preview.

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Chu-Chu Rockets
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