TGS: Reiselied gameplay movies

[09.23.99] » Field sequences, battles, and cutscenes all shown in new media.

   Reiselied, the recently-announced PS2 RPG from Konami, is shaping up to be an intriguing action RPG. Subtitled "Ephermal Phantasia" as the first movie shows, the lack of numerical systems or on-screen information is striking for an RPG. Battles and exploration seem to be handled on the same screen, a la Breath of Fire III or Chrono Trigger, but no pop-up menus are visible here. How the game works is still unclear, but at the very least, Reiselied seems to be a welcome change of pace from the stat-fest RPGs out there.

Part 1
QT3, 320x240, 3.71 MB

Part 2
QT3, 320x240, 2.35 MB

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