PS2 Final Fantasy to use online Sony network

[09.20.99] » Square announces intentions to make a future Final Fantasy title for the PlayStation 2 fully network compatible.

   Recently, Sega announced Phantasy Star Online, its networked, multiplayer RPG for the Dreamcast. The PlayStation 2, however, has an answer to that in a form none other than the venerable Final Fantasy series. Squaresoft announced today at a Computer Entertainment Software Association (CESA, the parent company behind the Tokyo Game Show) that Final Fantasy for the PS2 will be network compatible, based on Sony's just-announced proprietary network designed to deliver games and multimedia content via cable TV. The network, due out in 2001, will allow for data sharing and other features in the next-generation Final Fantasy titles.

   Additionally, according to, rumors indicate that the newest Final Fantasy long-rumored for the PlayStation may be another spin-off title, and not "Final Fantasy IX" proper. This would seem to go against the sighting of the large "IX" in Square's promotional video, but only time will tell.

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