TGS: Chrono Trigger PSX rerelease to feature video sequences throughout

[09.17.99] » "Many" animated sequences to be found in title

   A Square representative confirmed with the GIA that the PSX rerelease of Chrono Trigger will contain "many" animated sequences throughout. This is in pleasant contrast to the Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI rereleases, which only contain video sequences at the beginning and close of the game. A variety of short sequences will be scattered throughout the title, while several key sequences will be augmented with longer (one minute plus) videos. All sequences are hand-drawn, a la Xenogears.

   Like the Final Fantasy rereleases, Chrono Trigger is a straight port (with the exception of the video). The game currently suffers from severe loading before and after battles, although Square said that "the loading delays should be reduced somewhat."

   Chrono Trigger PSX is currently due for a November 2nd release in Japan, at a price point of 4800 yen. Square currently has no plans for a U.S. release.

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