TGS: Sega delays online gaming until second half of 2000

[09.17.99] » Phantasy Star Online and Half-Life give way to Hearts and Gin Rummy.

   In a blow to Sega's online program, Sega executives recently revealed that the Dreamcast Network would not support online gaming until the second half of 2000. Former COO Bernie Stolar previously reported that Sega would support online gaming from Sega would support online gaming from day one of the launch. The reasons for this delay are currently uncertain.

   Sega's new online plan starts with the web browsing, Internet chat, and e-mail currently available on the network. In the first half of 2000, online puzzle, board, and card games similar to those found on Microsoft's The Zone will be added. Finally, in the latter half of 2000, Dreamcast titles with online gaming components (such as the recently announced port of PC shooter Half-Life) will ship. 12 online titles are expected to ship during this period.

   Sega's foresight in including a modem with each system seems nullified by a lack of practical applications. Even so, with ambitious projects like Baldur's Gate and the mysterious Phantasy Star Online in the works, Sega may be able to salvage their online Dreamcast Network for gaming yet.

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