TGS: Parasite Eve 2 resurfaces

[09.16.99] » Scheduled for a Japanese release in December, Square's action RPG is finally official.

   At E3, brief clips of a Parasite Eve sequel left gamers hungering for more information -- but Square never officially commented on the title until just now. Titled simply Parasite Eve 2, the PlayStation sequel is now officially confirmed and should arrive in Japan this December.

   Parasite Eve 2 picks up after the conclusion of the original game, though heroine Aya Brea is actually younger due to the effects of the mitochondra in her body. She's also now equipped with a radar that helps her spot the enemies moving about the map -- this time, you can spot and avoid enemies while wandering the various locations and dungeons. Full Dual Shock support has also been added (the original game included only analog control and no force feedback).

   Reports indicate Square will display a playable version of Parasite Eve 2 at the Tokyo Game Show beginning this evening. Expect full impressions from the show soon.

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Parasite Eve 2
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