Ogre Battle goes portable

[09.07.99] » SNK is developing the latest Ogre Battle game -- and it's on the Neo Geo Pocket Color.

   After appearing on the Nintendo 64 -- a system not exactly known for its wealth of RPGs -- the Ogre Battle series is headed to an even less prominent platform: the Neo Geo Pocket Color. SNK, the system's manufacturer, today announced it was developing The Legend of Ogre Battle; the game is not being created by Quest, who developed the first three Ogre Battle titles.

   It's not clear whether The Legend of Ogre Battle is a new game, or merely a port of the original Super NES Ogre Battle -- though the different title might mean the game is different as well. Port or not, The Legend of Ogre Battle is currently scheduled to be release in Japan in March 2000; no U.S. release has been announced.

[source] » Magic Box, GameFan Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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