Square estimates $40 million for PSX2 Final Fantasy

[09.03.99] » An article in the Wall Street Journal reveals Square CEO Tomoyuki Takechi has estimated a future Final Fantasy PSX2 title will cost $40 million to develop.

   Yesterday's issue of the Wall Street Journal presented an article examining the upcoming next-generation console systems and how future consoles could impact the PC gaming world. Interestingly, Square of Japan CEO Tomoyuki Takechi goes on the record in the article to state that Square has estimated it will spend $40 million to develop a new installment to the Final Fantasy series on the PlayStation 2. It's likely Square will elaborate further on the title at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, where a multitude of developers and publishers are expected to unveil their plans for Sony's next console.

   An excerpt from the Wall Street Journal's article is available below:

   "The most ambitious Sony supporter is SquareSoft Corp., a Japanese company that owns the popular Final Fantasy role-playing games. The company spent $30 million on its Final Fantasy VIII title, which will make its debut on the original PlayStation the same day as the Dreamcast launch. Tomoyuki Takechi, CEO of SquareSoft, predicts his company will spend $40 million on a Final Fantasy title for the PlayStation 2."

   Thanks to Mark Stephens for the news tip.

[source] » Wall Street Journal / Gaming Age Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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