Xenosaga story and minigame details

[01.01.02] » Xenosaga: The Power Battles

   New story information on Xenosaga Episode I has come out in the form of two organizations which play a role in the plot: the Kookai (possibly translated as "Catechism") Foundation and the U-TIC group. The former is headed by Gaignun Kookai, an enigmatic sort seeking to save the victims of "life recycling." Other members of this group include playable character Jr., as well as the sisters Mary and Shelley Godwin. The sisters' names may hint at just what "life recycling" means: Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, of a scientist playing God, recounted the doctor's difficulties in reanimating a corpse.

   The U-TIC group, on the other hand, looks to be a major antagonist in the storyline. Only two members, Margulius and Peregry, have been revealed so far, but their sinister appearances and the fact that U-TIC's power exceeds that of the government's as well as the army's makes them a potential threat. Screenshots of members from both groups can be seen in a related media update.

   In non-story-related matters, the Battling minigame from Xenogears will return in Xenosaga. Though the basic gameplay seems to be the same, the backgrounds at least have been vastly improved.

   Thanks to zid for the tip.

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