Zero update

[12.04.01] » The GIA gives you a lot of nothing with Zero screenshots, Zero wallpaper, and Zero information about Tecmo's photographic horror adventure. Plus, zero movies!

   Tecmo's upcoming horror adventure Zero may be getting zero exposure in the West, but the company has been slowly hyping it in Japan in preparation for a December 13 release. The game's main gimmick is the way in which the protagonist Miku battles with the evil spirits she encounters -- by using a camera. Temco has released new details outlining how this odd combat system will work in the game.

   When a spirit approaches, players can shift to a camera view which works very similar to Pokémon Snap. The camera has a small view finder and how close the ghost is to the center of the frame determines the amount of damaged the resulting photograph will deal out. The power drained from the spirit is absorbed into the camera and can be spent on various upgrades, such as faster film for quicker attacks, a wide angle lens, or a slow motion attachment.

    Like Silent Hill, the game will also rely heavily on sound and vibration to heighten the atmosphere. Zero, however, will also use them as part of the puzzles. Certain puzzles can only solved by photographing specific areas identified by subtle aural and tactile cues. The resulting picture will reveal clues that can't be seen with the naked eye.

   Gamers who are curious about how this oddly titled game looks can check out new Zero screenshots, or adorn their desktop with Zero wallpaper. As promised, we also have zero movies for you -- our poor server can't handle them. Tecmo's Japanese website, on the other hand, has four lengthy MPEGs which show off Zero's atmospheric visuals and spooky lighting, as well as a look at the game's unique battle system.

   Zero is due out in just a few days in Japan. Look for full impressions of the import as soon as we get our hands on it.

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