Tetsuya Mizuguchi interview
[07.10.01] » UGA's director talks about Rez and rhythm.
Until a few years ago, Tetsuya Mizuguchi was largely
known for his work on Sega Rally. But with the release of Space Channel
5 under his belt and the eye-catching Rez on the horizon, United Game
Artists' director is quickly becoming synonymous with stylish and
accessible rhythm games. Mizuguchi recently sat down with Dengenki
Online to talk about the upcoming rhythm-shooter, and the always
vigilant Video-Senki has
translated the full interview.
Perhaps the most interesting revelation from Mizuguchi
is the evolution of the ideas behind Rez. The game started a desire
to make shooters once more accessible to casual game players. Around
the same time, the designer visited a music festival where 400,000
people were moving as one to an incredible combination of music and
light. Mizuguchi "thought it'd be great if I could control all
this music and light by myself."
The move from basic concept to the game, which
is currently 70% complete, took several years, however, and the long
development cycle is partly responsible for Rez's unique look. "It
was trial and error for a while," Says Mizuguchi. "I refused
to put any graphics or music in because we were trying to see how
much pure fun we could make the game before all of that." The
austere, stripped-down graphics grew out of the game's early simplicity,
but are partly meant as homage to the classic games that have inspired
Mizuguchi. The end result is far more ambitious, however; Mizuguchi
sees Rez as "a whole new way to play with images and sounds."
For more on the evolution of Rez, and Mizuguchi's
hopes for the final product, check out the full
interview over at Video-Senki.