E3: Arc the Lad Collection nears release

[05.19.01] » Soundtrack removed from final package; anthology currently at 80% completion.

   In comparison to previous years, Working Designs' booth at E3 is looking uncharacteristically sparse -- Slipheed and Gungriffon Blaze are both released titles, and the upcoming Lunar PC is nowhere to be seen. Remaining at the booth is Arc the Lad Collection, Working Design's anthology of Arc the Lad I, II, III and Arc Arena. The company revealed that it has decided to remove the Arc the Lad soundtrack from the collection package, since the company felt that the games' available tracks were too short and not compelling enough for non-gaming listening, unlike previous Lunar soundtracks. Additionally, previous plans to include Arc the Lad's casino game were scrapped when the original source code could not be located within G-Craft's archives.

   Arc the Lad Collection is still slated for a release sometime in the Q2 2001. The game is currently estimated to be 80% complete, with the script's translation currently 60% complete.

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