David Hayter to return for Metal Gear Solid 2

[04.18.01] » Right after he takes care of that helicopter.

   After months of anxious waiting, it's now been confirmed that David Hayter will indeed return as the American voice actor for Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Joining him will be Christopher Fritz returning as Otacon and Patric Laine reprising his role as Revolver Ocelot, or "Shalashaska" as he is called in all Metal Gear Solid 2 material thus far. Whether or not any other cast members from Metal Gear Solid will return remains to be seen, but the signing of these three voice actors is a positive sign that Konami of America is working to make sure the key vocal aspect remains constant into the sequel.

   Thanks to Andrew S for the tip.

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
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