More Final Fantasy X character details

[04.15.01] » Further information on FFX's female thief Ryukku.

   New information has surfaced regarding Final Fantasy X's mysterious female thief, first seen in the Virge Temple section of the Tokyo Game Show demo.

   When Ryukku and her band of thieves meet Tidus in the temple, they have a brief argument in a strange dialect over whether he is a monster disguised as a human. When the gang agrees to take Tidus back to their ship, Ryukku reluctantly punches Tidus in the stomach while apologizing for the attack. This explains the initial report of the character's name as "Zorenne," the word for "sorry" in the her language. Ryukku joins the party at a later point as a playable character, and is rumored to employ a dagger and the "steal" skill in combat.

   Thanks to Clarence F. for the info.

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