Fox McCloud to invade Dinosaur Planet?

[03.03.01] » Rare's prehistoric adventure may be getting a brand new franchise universe.

    Commenting on the debut of Dinosaur Planet at E3 2000, Shigeru Miyamoto publicly wished the game "would use the StarFox characters" so the game could be called "StarFox Adventures." According to a recent report by Consoles-France, Miyamoto's wish may have become reality, and the residents of Dinosaur Planet may be getting replaced with the StarFox universe.

    It is certainly possible that Miyamoto's comment is resurfacing again as rumor, though the switch would explain why Dinosaur Planet has disappeared from public view for months, much as Conker's Bad Fur Day did during its drastic change in theme. The change would come along with a switch in consoles from the Nintendo 64 to GameCube, as most of the game's visuals would have to be redone regardless. Sabre, Dinsoaur Planet's hero, is also very similar in appearance to the famed Fox McCloud.

    Expect an official announcement regarding the fate of Dinosaur Planet this May at E3.

[source] » Consoles-France/IGNCube Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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