Namco discusses 2001 line-up

[03.01.01] » "Project X" still on track; Tales of X confirmed for PlayStation 2.

   Namco recently released its yearly financial statement. In addition to confirming its GameCube development, the company also issued an update on its PlayStation 2 roster. The yet-to-be-titled "Tales of X" -- the fourth installment in the Tales series -- is now officially bound for the Playstation 2. Previously, its platform was an unspecified next-generation system. Tales of X now has a release target as well; it's scheduled to ship sometime in 2001. Namco's other upcoming RPG, "Project X," by its subsidiary MonolithSoft, also remains on track for a 2001 release.

   Namco plans to unveil some of its upcoming games at the Tokyo Game Show from March 30st to April 1st; it's possible that either or both of these RPGs could be among the titles on display.

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