Final Fantasy X theme song completed

[11.30.00] » Nobuo Uematsu finishes the next Final Fantasy's main theme, enjoys frosty beverage.

   As part of Square's fledgling PlayOnline website, Final Fantasy series composer Nobuo Uematsu has been keeping a regular diary for several weeks. Though most of the entries detail Uematsu's personal life, such remodeling his home theater and coping with deadline pressure, an entry dated November 3rd reveals that work has been completed on the main theme for Final Fantasy X.

    The lyrics were completed by Final Fantasy VIII's plot planner, Kazushige Nojima, and Uematsu comments they are "wonderful." No stylistic information or a singer for the song were revealed, but it does hint that Final Fantasy X's soundtrack will again have a lyric single as its centerpiece, as was the case in the previous two installments. After thanking Mr. Nojima for his work, the two enjoyed a refreshing Guinness together. More intimate details for Uematsu's Japanese speaking fans can be found on PlayOnline at N's Diary.

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