Dragon Quest VII impressions
[08.30.00] » Initial thoughts on Enix's money-printing license.
If I had to pick one word to describe Dragon Quest VII, it would
probably be that much-overused adjective, "classic". While DQVII has
little to offer eye-candy seekers, it will undoubtedly satisfy fans of
the earlier Dragon Quest games, as it has retained most of the features
that make Dragon Quest unique, and even made some improvements (at least
in the eyes of this reviewer).
The story--and DQVII does indeed have a story, more so than some of
its predecessors--starts out on a solitary island, with the teenage son
of a fisherman, the daughter of a rich family (with attitude to match),
and a prince with an adventurous spirit. The boy and the prince often
play around near a ruined temple in the center of the island, until one
day they find their way inside. As they descend, they come across some
oddly-shaped stone slabs; fitting these together causes a bright flash
of light and leads the party to--ah, but that would be telling.
DQVII's primary "new system" is the Map Collection System. By
finding stone slabs like the ones mentioned above, the player can add to
the map; the ones mentioned above create a new island just north of the
first one. These slabs come in varying sizes and shapes, but all fit
together like puzzle pieces, and the challenge is find all of the pieces
for each new section of map. (You also have to fit them together, of
course, but since you only need 3-5 pieces in most cases, it's not very
DQVII also incorporates a fairly complex job system. All three
characters start out without a job, but after finding a certain
location, you can assign jobs to each, such as Fighter, Thief, or Mage.
The characters will learn skills, such as attack techniques and spells,
appropriate to each job, and these skills will remain usable even if you
later decide to switch to another job. Moreover, the jobs have skill
levels, which increase as you hold the job longer; "mastering" a job
(raising it to the highest level) will open up a new job class, and
raising multiple jobs to high levels can open up "combination" job
classes, such as Mage Fighter. And finally, the instruction booklet
drops a hint that you may forget jobs and skills if you don't use them
for long periods of time--a genre first to the best of my knowledge,
and a feature which should help balance the ability to keep skills from
previous jobs.
Another interesting feature of DQVII is that it lets you talk to
your own party members, both on the map (where they may, for example,
tell you where you're supposed to be going) and in battle (where they
might offer suggestions on defeating the enemies). Unfortunately, DQVII
does not seem to make too much use of this feature--at least as far as
I've gotten--although I did once get chided by the prince for forgetting
to equip him with a weapon.
DQVII's menu system harks back to the days of Dragon Quest II,
which itself only differed from DQI by the removal of the "Stairs" and
"Take" menu items. However, one addition that makes DQVII much more
playable than its predecessors is the use of the triangle button as a
"handy button", much like the action button in Final Fantasy and many
other RPGs: in front of a person it will automatically talk to them, in
front of a treasure chest it will automatically open the chest, and so
on, as if you had selected the appropriate item from the menu. Another
handy addition is the "item bag", which lets you store as many items as
you want--no more worrying about how many items people in your party can
carry (although each character's carrying ability has also been
Battles, too, use the same front-on turn-based menu system as
earlier games in the series. This time, however, there are numerous
animations for the enemies (which can be very amusing at times) and
spells, and reasonably nice backgrounds instead of the black screen
from DQII-IV. (Actually, DQV and DQVI, Super Famicom games which were
never released in the US, also had background images for the battle
sequences.) DQIV's AI system has returned for this installment, but
thankfully it is also possible to choose to give commands directly to
all party members. And the battle sound effects are the same ones that
have been used in every DQ game so far.
As might be expected of any Playstation RPG, DQVII has a 3D
environment; you can tell, though, that the developers are still firmly
rooted in 2D. The rotation is usable, if clunky, but many details, and
even the characters at times, inadvertently get hidden behind walls when
viewed from the wrong angle. Although treasure chests, pots, and such
are all solid objects, many of the decorations, such as torches or
flowers, are just painted onto the wall--they disappear when turned
sideways. The game does make use of the 3D environment in a few cases,
such as hiding treasure chests behind houses, but overall I think I
would have been happier with a flat map view like earlier DQ games.
The graphics themselves, when not being distorted by the 3D view,
are reasonably well-done, if not spectacular; good use is made of
lighting as well. The music is likewise good but not great; it does
suffer, however, from over-complexity, something I have seen in a lot of
Playstation games. While the music does (more or less) do its job of
setting the mood, I would have liked a nice simple melody or two that
stuck in my head, like some of the old DQ games had.
While I am somewhat disappointed that the Dragon Quest team
couldn't have produced a better game given the time they had to do it
in--or released a game of this level sooner--there is one other fact
that bears mentioning: A note on Enix's web site says that completing
the game can take "in excess of 100 hours," suggesting that DQVII will
be keeping people entertained for a good while.
Overall, while Dragon Quest VII may not attract too many Quake
fans, it provides a solid "traditional RPG" experience and makes a fine
addition to the Dragon Quest series.
Thanks to Andy Church for the impressions.