Zelda GBC trilogy now a one-two punch

[07.25.00] » Nintendo and Capcom's ambitious Mystical Seed series of Zelda GBC games proves a bit too ambitious to complete.

    Nintendo of Japan made the unfortunate announcement this week that the Mystical Seed series of Zelda games will now only include two titles rather than the previously announced three. The main reason cited for scaling down the project were difficulties encountered in making three games of such detail that were password-compatible, as the series promised to be. It is unknown which of the three titles will be cut: Mystical Seed of Power, Mystical Seed of Wisdom, or Mystical Seed of Courage.

    The idea of having three new Zelda games within mere months of each other was a mouth-watering proposition for gamers, but ultimately an unrealistic one for developers, especially considering the promised cross-compability features. Nintendo promised that the games would still be available in Japan by the end of the year as well as on display at Space World next month, but exact release dates are unknown for either side of the Pacific.

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The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Power
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