Delving into Final Fantasy IX's Alexandria

[05.30.00] » An in-depth look at the first town.

   The main town of FFIX seems fairly typical of what we'd expect from square, albeit with a few interesting details. For those excited by every detail of the upcoming game, the map has been identified with explanations of important places in Alexandria.

1) Alexandria's stores, including a flower shop, hat shop, weapon shop, and the standard inn.

2) One of multiple mini-games, you can win an item by participating in jump rope. As expected, more jumps completed grants you different items.

3) The floating theatre's ticket booth

4) The castle's entrance

5) Searching for things is another old standby feature in FFIX, and when successful, as in this location, an exclamation point will appear above the character's head.

6) Being thorough is rewarded by the letter hidden in this door - remember to leave no stone unturned.

7) If Vivi searches this old lady's house, he'll find her secret savings of 9 gil, the standard unit of money in FFIX.

8) The character in this location mentions hiding three cards where no one will find them. A hint at a card game similar to FFVIII's obsessive Triple Triad?

   It seems that great care has been taken in making Alexandria intriguing, and hopefully it's just a taste of the many wondeful places there will be to explore in Final Fantasy IX.

[source] » psx.ign Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Final Fantasy IX
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