E3: Arc The Lad Collection expands

[05.12.00] » Arc The Lad Monster Tournament added to massive collection.

   In case Arc The Lad Collection didn't offer enough games already, Working Designs has added one more: Arc The Lad Monster Tournament. Known as Arc The Lad Monster Game With Casino Game in Japan, this previously hard-to-find title works in conjunction with Arc The Lad II. Players can capture monsters in the normal Arc II game, then transfer them into Monster Tournament and enter them in various fighting tournaments. Winning nets you valuable prizes that can be transferred back into Arc The Lad II.

   Arc The Lad Collection will also contain the three main series Arc the Lad games, plus a 30-minute "making of" movie, for a grand total of 6 discs. Working Designs estimates that the collection will take over 100 hours to complete.

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