E3: UbiSoft aquires rights to US Grandia 2, not Eidos

[05.11.00] » Ubi Soft confirms their rights to the title with a press release, and lets the first plot details slip as well.

    In a recent story we reported that website GameFan had confirmed Eidos as the American publisher for Grandia 2. This morning, however, The GIA has learned that Eidos is in fact not publishing Grandia 2 in the states, and that the more RPG experienced publisher Ubi Soft will be responsible for bringing the title over. ``We are excited to partner with ESP and Game Arts to deliver the highly anticipated Grandia 2 to the gaming community,'' said an enthusiastic Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubi Soft Entertainment. While nothing along the lines of a release date was included in the press release, more information can be expected today once the show is underway.

    Also contained within the press release were the first hints as to what Grandia 2's story would be based on. 10,000 years ago, a mystical being known as Granus gave a gift called "the Light of Hope" to the humans, only to have Valmur, the Evil of Darkness, attempt to take it away from them. Granus was victorious in the end, and with the Light of Hope, the humans prospered. Now, however, that very battle (dubbed "The battle of Light and Dark" over time) is once again preparing to take palce, and you can bet your characters will be caught in the middle.

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