E3: Kessen officially announced for U.S. release

[05.10.00] » American PS2 RPG/sim lineup diversifies.

   Koei officially announced today that they will be releasing their historical simulation PS2 game Kessen in the United States. Koei cited both the impressive sales numbers in Japan (over 350,000 copies to date), as well as their desire to port "AAA titles", as major factors in the decision to port the game.

   Also revealed was the game's official English logo, which, interestingly enough, is identical to the original Japanese one, featuring the Japanese kanji for "Kessen" with the English title in a small font underneath.

   Koei has yet to announce the release date for the game, only saying in their press release that it would be "close to [the] system's launch."

   Taking place in the Warring States period of Japan, Kessen features hundreds of onscreen characters at a time and in-depth command over your army. More on the title can be found in the GIA's comprehensive preview.

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