E3: Metal Gear Solid 2 subtitle announced

[05.10.00] » Konami confirms "Sons of Liberty" subtitle.

   Konami today announced the official title for Metal Gear Solid 2, confirming the name already bandied about the web: "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty." The eagerly-anticipated PlayStation 2 title also now has a North American release date: Fall 2001, the same time that the game will hit Japan.

   “Metal Gear Solid 2 is poised to exceed what anyone could ever have expected from the next chapter in the Metal Gear saga,” said Chris Mike, Vice President of Marketing for Konami. “The strength of the Metal Gear franchise and its planned debut on the next-generation PlayStation2 console will combine to make this game an interactive force to contend with.”

   Konami will be holding a special unveiling of Metal Gear Solid 2 later tonight. The GIA will bring you full impressions as soon as the event concludes.

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