Wild Arms 2 mod-check bypass codes

[05.03.00] » Sony's effective anti-piracy measures circumvented 12 minutes after game's release

   Want to play a legitimate copy of Wild Arms 2 on your mod-chipped PlayStation? 'Course you do! And now you can, thanks to these codes for your favorite GameShark / Pro Action Replay device:

From Peter Bartholow:

  D0028700 A3CC
  80028700 A1E1
  D0028B8A 1040
  80028B8A 1000
  For older GameSharks, precede the above with:
  C100000 0000

And from "Kalisto":

  D00282C4 FF52
  800282CE 1000

   Everyone being locked out of a legitimately purchased title: these codes are your passkey to salvation! Happy gaming!

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