Square divulges Primavista details

[04.19.00] » Who says size doesn't matter?

    Dimensions and more detailed background information for the Primavista, the floating theater seen in Final Fantasy IX screens, have been revealed in the latest issue of V-Jump. As noted in previous reports, the Primavista is a floating theater which stops at towns only once per year. It is now known, however, that tickets are difficult to find dues to the show's popularity. While royality and other nobility have special box-seats reserved for the upper-class, commoners who cannot get tickets are forced to view the show from the roof of the Primavista.

Primavista specs:
  • Name: Theater Ship Primavista
  • Class: Grand Airship + Theatre
  • Length: 90M (not "meters")
  • Weight: 9235T (not "tons")
  • Maximum Passenger Capacity: 288 People
    [source] » V-Jump Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
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