The Legend of Zelda: Mask of Mujula retitled?

[03.06.00] » "Mask of Mujula" may now be "Majora's Mask."

   The frequently retitled sequel to Zelda 64 may have changed names once again. Nintendo Power Source's latest feature on the game refers to it as The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -- previously, the site used the subtitle "Mask of Mujula." Such a change would seem reasonable, given that "Majora's Mask" is significantly easier to pronounce than "Mask of Mujula." Nintendo, however, cautions that the Majora's Mask subtitle is only tentative, and that the name could change once more before the game is released.

   Whatever its name, the second Nintendo 64 Zelda game will ship April 27 in Japan and sometime this fall in North America.

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Zelda: Mask of Mujula
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