Columbia Pictures launches
[03.06.00] » First official footage, back story, and more.
Columbia Pictures recently launched the official website for the Final Fantasy movie: Due for release in 2001, the Final Fantasy Movie is poised to revolutionize computer graphics and the entire movie industry with its state-of-the-art blinking women. Actually, the rest of the movie is supposed to be good too, but Square and Columbia Pictures seem loathe to release any footage other than the eternally blinking woman. Hopefully, the complete, full trailer that has been shown to select audiences will be released soon. Two comically short (but exceedingly pretty) movielets can be found below.
Also revealed at the site is a vague description of the ambitious story:
"Set on Earth in the year 2065, destruction and confusion surround us. Cities are deserted, the population is decimated, and the precious few humans who remain must find a way to survive.
"In this world, we face death as we part with our loved ones. We begin to question what "life" and "love" is, and what is the philosophical definition of the "heart." After all in this world, science has analyzed life and death, expressing life as a form of energy.
"Beyond the riveting battle scenes, Final Fantasy will take you on a journey of personal discovery into both the real and fantasy worlds, drawing you deep into its characterizations and themes: love, friendship, dreams, adventure, life and death."
For more artwork, background information, and biographies of the voice actors, visit
 Strange landscape MOV, 256x138, 585 KB |
 Abandoned restaurant MOV, 256x138, 494 KB |